Adventure - The Colossal Cave 1. Enter building. Get keys and lamp. The lamp appears here should you have to be reincarnated. 2. Unlock gate (with key). Get cage. 3. Try the magic word, XYZZY. Try it again. Get rod. 4. Drop rod. Get bird. Get rod. 5. Wave rod. Drop rod. Go get diamonds and gold. 6. Release bird. Drop cage. Grab coins and silver. Note: Dwarves are lousy shots, but sometimes, unfortunately, they can get lucky. Carry the ax, as you may encounter up to five of these critters. 7. Try the magic word PLUGH also. Drop silver, gold nugget, diamonds, jewelry, and coins. If you haven't already, you will soon encounter a thieving pirate. Not to worry, he's got to rob you at least once if you're to win all the marbles. 8. Carrying food, ax, bottle of water, key (all for later) and lantern, visit the software den (Microsoft Version only). Don't mess with anything--Software types are a weird lot. Get magic word LWPI. Works only from here. 9. Water plant twice. Get water for the second pass at the waterfall. 10. Attack dragon. Yes. Get rug. 11. Get oil (in now empty bottle). Climb the plant. 12. Oil door. Open door. Drop bottle. While here and while carrying golden eggs, enter FEE, FIE, FOE, FOO, one word at a time. Check your inventory. Go back to where you first found the eggs. 13. Throw eggs (to troll). Cross bridge before the FEE, FIE, whatever. 14. Feed bear. Unlock chain (with key). Get golden chain. Drop key. Get bear. Don't forget the rare spices. At volcano view, read and remember the words of fire. 15. Release bear. Don't try crossing the bridge with him on the chain. 16. Open oyster (with trident). Pearl will roll down into the cul-de-sac. 17. Insert coin to get a replacement battery for your lamp, if necessary. Coins are a treasure, however, and you won't ge them back, so try beating the game with the original batteries only. 18. Never drop vase unless you have already dropped the pillow. 19. Drop everything in order to enter. Get emerald. 20. Say PLOVER. Get pyramid. PLOVER, PLUGH and pi-tooie! 21. You must traverse the maze to get Pirate's Treasure Chest, which doesn't appear until he's robbed you. Return via the Pit and XYZZY. Drop all treasures in the House. 22. Drop magazine in Witt's End for a point. Get out by entering all different directions except north. It may take a while. Slog around in various and distant locations until a voice announces that the cave is now closed. At this point you are teleported to the two-room Master's Game. 23. Get black rod (with the rusty marks, not the star). Drop rod in the northeast room. Retreat to the southwest room. Type blast. Alternate endings are possible, but will not yield sufficient points to earn you the rank of adventure grandmaster. Treasure List What Where Golden Eggs Giant Room Trident Magnificent Canyon Pearl Clam Room Pirate's Chest Pirate's Maze Platinum Pyramid Dark Room Emerald Plover Room Ming Vase (and Pillow) Oriental Room Rare Spices Chamber of Boulders Persian Rug Dragon's Den Golden Chain Bear's Chamber Diamonds West Side of Fissure Jewelry South Side Chamber Gold Nugget Gold Room Silver Bars North-South Passage Coins West Side Chamber Adventureland 1. Let sleeping dragons lie, until much later. (Never go near him with any mud.) 2. In quicksand take only the ax. Get ox. Say Bunyon. Swim south. Go to Paul's place. En route, get flint and steel. 3. Climb tree. Get key. Read web. Chop tree. May need mud for chigger bites. Go stump. Start dumping treasures. Rub lamp (Twice only) for two more. With the rubies directly below, there should now be five. Take bottle. 4. Unlock door. Drop keys. Go hallway. Light lamp with flint and steel. If lamp dies, fill with oily slime. 5. In maze, get rug and net. With rug, get out by say away (twice) to transport back to the meadow. 6. At lake with filled bottle and net, catch fish. (Fish die without bottle.) 7. Get wine bladder. Fill bladder (with swamp gas). In royal chamber, drop bladder. Burn bladder. 8. Scream (at bear). Jump ledge. Get crown, mirror and bricks. Don't throw ax at bear or waste honey on him. Drop mirror on rug only (get clues). 9. Dam lava with bricks. Pour water. Get firestone. 10. In beehive, with rug, mud, and empty bottle, catch bees. Take honey. Drop mud. Go meadow. Release bees. Get dragon eggs. (Can make it 50% of the time before Bees die, but using rug and say away is easier.) After dropping all thirteen treasures, say score. The treasure summary: Blue Ox Golden Fish Golden Net Jeweled Fruit Diamond Ring Bracelet Rubies Rug Magic Mirror Golden Crown Royal Honey Firestone Dragon Eggs Amazon 1. After seeing the destroyed camp. Go to the office. 2. Answer the four questions. Novice. Go to airport. 3. Open letter. Go to Miami. 4. Institute. No (unless you want a very short game). 5. Enter. Show envelope. Enter. 6. Answer the two questions. (Try giving a different name). 7. Look cage. Take drape. Open cage. Open refrigerator. Take fruit. Give fruit to Paco. Take medicine. Open cupboard. Look cupboard. Look shelves. Get food and dart gun. 8. Talk to Paco. No. No. Yes. Go to airport. 9. Buy tickets. Go booth. Take backpack. Board flight. 10. Give cigarettes. As a seasoned adventurer, turn on computer after you've been robbed. 072. Give belt. 11. As expedition leader, turn on computer on landing. S. Turn on Computer. D. E, E. Take jacket. Take paper. W. W. Fly Paco. 12. Smile. (They'd like cigarettes.) 13. Talk to Paco. Take backpack. West. Wear goggles. N. Remove goggles. E. Turn on computer. 14. As expedition leader, Smile. When dropped off, N, N, N, E. 15. Wear parka. 16. Turn on computer. 17. As expedition leader, from where you see parachute dropped, E. E. N. E. S. S. E. 18. Wear goggles. Be still. 19. Use parachute. Tranquilize Paco. 20. Unload rifle. As a seasoned adventurer, then use oar. 21. Go east, young man. 22. Use dart gun. (sort of blackmail.) 23. Wear goggles. Turn switch on laser. Shoot the little buggers with the space bar. Sleep. Save the game. Save the game. (You must return to camp before sundown and shoot more Huni to advance to another day. After the second day, Use dart gun.) Give medicine to Paco in morning. You do not need to spend more than one night here, however. 24. Push wall. Pull lever. 25. Unlock lock with key (need key from the tiny room). 26. Open 132. Follow the indicated directions, deviation can be fatal. Board chopper. 27. As a seasoned adventurer or expedition leader, then open 132. Head south and get in the chopper. 28. As expedition leader, open 348. Open 159. Open 267. Head for the chopper and safety. Cutthroats 1. Get out of bed. Take all from closet. Open drawer. Take all from drawer. Read note. Open door. (Weasel will come in and steal your passbook, if he can, and head for the mainland on the ferry. If you interrupt him, you're dead, so be sure to take the passbook or you're in for a short game. Neither can you lock him in your room.) 2. Sit. Order breakfast (or food). Eat food. Order drink (for $2.00), or ask bartender for water (free) to quench your thirst. Wait until 8:30. Whassa matter your watch stop? Well, wind watch. Ask bartender for time. Set watch to (stated time). When Johnny asks if you want in on the deal, say yes, or it's going to be an awfully uninteresting game. 3. Wait for Johnny. If he shows you a plate, your ship is the Leviathan, if he shows you a coin, at which you may look, your ship is the Sao Vera. Check your game materials for the ship's depth and read the characteristics of the boats that are for charter. 4. After dropping all but watch in the storage locker of the ship you'll be renting, withdraw $603. 5. Wait for Johnny. Show money to Johnny. Answer his question. Drop passbook. (if you don't McGinty will see it and nver leave you alone, leading to a dead game and Johnny calling off the deal. If you drop it in town where McGinty roams, it will disappear as though he's taken it, but he will still leave you alone in Outfitter's International.) 6. Wait until after McGinty leaves. (If you have a save game handy, buy something while he is in the store.) After Johnny leaves, pay salesman however much you were told, a somewhat variable number. If you are diving on the Leviathan, buy flashlight, repellent, putty, c cell, and electromagnet and rent compressor. If you are diving on the Sao Vera, all you need are the flashlight and shark repellent. 7. Attend the 11:30 meeting in the Shanty. If Johnny says the deal is off, you did something wrong and should start over. 8. Open window. Look in window. If McGinty is seen, wait. If not, enter window. Take envelope which will be there from 12:30 (or so) on. 9. Wait for delivery boy. If you are diving on the Leviathan, you can start getting ready now. Wear wet suit, mask, and flippers. Fill air tank with air (need compressor, or if you're cheap, you can fill it for free in Outfitter's). Wear air tank. Take repellent, putty, and electromagnet. Open drill. Insert c cell. Close machine. Drop envelope, it's curtains if Weasel sees you with it. Go topside and wait for Johnny. 10. When Johnny asks for the latitude and longitude of the ship, check the materials that came with the game. The syntax is longitude is xx. Latitude is yy. 11. Hide envelope under bunk. Get in bunk. When the ship puts out to sea, sleep. When you arrive, get out of bunk, get envelope, north. Get ready for your dive. 12. Give envelope to Johnny. (if you don't do this and succeed in returning the treasure, you throat will be slit on the trip home.) 13. Turn on flashlight and jump in water if you are diving on the Leviathan. If you are on the Mary Margaret, wear suit. Connect hose to diving suit. Start compressor and then jump in water. Once you're in the water, the shark will appear at different depths. When he does, open repellent. 14. (Note: Steps 14 to 17 apply to the Leviathan.) Put magnet on mine. Turn on magnet. Drop magnet. Up. (Don't turn the magnet on first.) 15. Remove tank. 16. Turn on drill. Drill safe. Turn off drill. Take case. Head for the airpocketed room without any wasted moves. 17. Turn on drill. Drill case. Open putty. Put glob on case. Now it's time to head up to the surface and become a rich diver. (If you opened the door here when first passing through, you better go back to your last saved-game position.) 18. (Note: Steps 18 to 27 apply to the Sao Vera.) Take iron. 19. Move row with iron (gets the row of bunks out of the way for three moves). Put iron under row (props up the bunks). 20. Leave the squid alone, don't even look if you value your skin. 21. Look at skeleton. Take sword. 22. Push oak chest north (twice), and then to the west. 23. Tie chest to line. 24. Push maple chest south, to under the ladder. 25. Stand on chest. Up. 26. Push cask north. 27. Stand on cask. Cut rope with sword. Climb rope and up to the ship, and enjoy your escudos! Deadline 1. Read calendar (July 7). Turn calendar (July 8). Rub pencil on notepad. At about 9:00, the phone will ring. Pick up phone. 2. Get Loblo bottle. Read Loblo label. 3. Around 9:15, an envelope will be delivered to the foyer. Open envelope and read the letter. Interesting possibilities, but you'll never get a conviction. 4. Around 11:25, the Herald (newspaper) will arrive. Read paper. Read second section. 5. Around 12:00, attend reading of the will. Show George the calendar. Follow George (who is upset and goes to his room), and go out on the library balcony. Look into library. Save game when George appears. When George disappears, enter library and examine bookshelf. Push button after three waits (give him time to open the safe). Alternate solutions evolve by waiting for longer or shorter periods. Try them all. Get stack of papers. Have fun with the new will. 6. After around 11:20, find Mc Nabb, who will be mumbling to himself. Ask Mc nabb about the roses. Ask Mc nabb to show me the holes. Follow Mc nabb. Dig in the soil. Search the dirt. Analyze porcelain for Loblo. Get lab report (later). 7. Ask Dunbar about Loblo bottle. Show her that lab report. Accuse Dunbar. (She should be very uptight now, and if Baxter is present, should glance nervously at the two of you.) Move away and wait for her to pass by you. Follow Dunbar (out the front door), where she will fish for a cigarette. Get (dropped) ticket stub. Ask Dunbar about the ticket stub. 8. Wait and follow until Dunbar and Baxter are together. Show Baxter the newspaper and the second section. Ask Baxter about ticket stub. Show him the lab report. Show him the stack of papers. Save game. Arrest them individually, then arrest Baxter and Dunbar. Try hiding behind shed; if they aren't already there, they'll come. 9. As an alternate, don't arrest either. Wait in foyer for Dunbar to go by, heading for her room. Wait upstairs for pistol shot. With everyone assembled in Dunbar's room, ask Baxter for pen. Arrest Baxter. As a second alternate, wait for Dunbar in her room, talk a while, and then leave. By the way, did you ever read the end of the book in the living room? Demons Forge 1. Get costume. Look costume. Get Vial. 2. In sleeping quarters, open, look, and move chest. ("Box" won't work.) Get Pillow, Blanket, and Bag. 3. In old armory, follow man. In his room, give ration. Get rod. (He only appears on the first visit to the armory.) 4. At bird's head, insert rod. Get red. Rod disappears. 5. At brazier, burn bag. Joe, the elemental, will accompany you. 6. At two doors, open doors (need elemental). Attack assassin. Drink vial. Attack assassin. Search assassin. Get chimes. 7. At well, fill vial (with water). Jump. Need elemental, who then disappears. Ring chimes. 8. Do precisely what the first sign says. Go left, then go right for five moves. 9. In magician's room, give water--rabbit. (Not to rabbit, and don't pour water.) Get wand. Leave hat, vial, chimes. 10. At rubber door, use wand. Smother fire (with blanket). Get ax. Wand may be dropped. (The sword, anvil, and waterfall have no bearing on the game.) 11. At mirror maze, break mirror (with ax). Drop the ax. 12. In garden, dig garden. Get carrot. 13. In sleeping quarters, climb rungs. Get boots and pendant. Don't wear boots as they are a one-shot item. (Rungs are hard to see on the first issue of the game, but have improved in second version, which has improved graphics.) 14a. Get first (glowing stave). Wear boots, Dig ceiling (with shovel). Get mound (of dirt). Go to ore hopper. Fill hopper (with dirt). 14b. Get second (glowing stave). Go to torch on wall. Burn second (stave). 14c. Get third (glowing stave). Go to the glass room. Get bottle. Fill bottle with air. Go to old well. Drop third (stave). Read bottom. 14d. Get fourth (glowing stave). Drop fourth (glowing stave). 15. At dropoff, drop pillow. North. 16. At long bridge, drop everything before crossing. Get three spheres. 17. Juggle spheres. East (Crossing bridge again). Pick up just the carrot. 18. At altar, move altar. 19. At antechamber, close door. Get key. 20. At ledge, eat carrot to read sign. 21. At river, throw key, swim river. 22. At locked room, unlock door with key. 23. At arankull, Throw silver, gold, and platinum spheres in that order. You are now set free. Dragonworld 1. Get in boat. Raise Sail. Untie boat. 2. Take vines. Take logs. Make raft. Take pods. Get on raft. 3. Take underbrush. Burn underbrush with glass. (Don't worry if you miss the Windship). 4. Take either. Either one will end up near the SE of the castle, unless you Put out Pods when the Coldrake, in which case you'll go to the overgrown trail. Be sure to take tanna leaves SSE. 5. Ignore this guy and move south. 6. Kiss woman. Get tooth. 7. Use torches. Move south. 8. Move rock. 9. Examine skeleton. Take ring. 10. Ask Hawkwind for help. Get treebear. 11. Ask Hawkwind for help. Show tooth. 12. Break lock with sword. 13. TAke encyclopedia. Throw encyclopedia (before going down). Unlock book with key (need key from skeleton in cave). 14. Don't eat the pate, unless you want to go to the doctor again. Be sure to buy elixir. 15. Play the keys. (ADFS worked on one game, FADS worked on another.) 16. Buy cowls. You'll need three eventually, but for now two are enough. 17. No, there is no way to play Dragonstones. 18. Sit at a table. Pay bartender. You'll end up at the Doctor's again. If you are broke, talk to doctor. Give glass to him. 19. Ring bell. Talk to alchemist. Take ring. When the fire starts on your departure, open furnace. Enter furnace. Return later, examine ashes. 20. Show tooth. Clean out the treasure trove. Go back and pay off the Doctor, and, if need be, the moneylender. You did get stone to the east of here, didn't you? 21. When you have the money, buy rope. Pour wine on rock to free Starsword. Buy Starsword. 22. Don't go into the maze to the west. It's endless--you aren't. 23. Leave this red herring alone, he can be rough. 24. Pry ivory with dagger. Take ivory. Don't enter the hole. 25. The drawbridge will lower when you approach if you wear cowls. Make sure that you get the ivory and the jade key from the strong room. 26. Put plank on pit. East. 27. Use stone. 28. Give cowl to prince. Wear cowls. There is a minor bug here if you have more than three cowls. If you are bitten, drop cowls. Take cowls three times. Then give cowl to prince. 29. Ask Hawkwind for help. 30. Hit tuning fork. The entrance from the Cenotaph just leads into the assassin's castle, as does the cell in the garrison. 31. Put treebear on branch. Be sure to get the ivory at the palace treasury. Return Alyn and visit the king. 32. Go behind waterfall. 33. Climb spikes. Open trapdoor. Up. 34. Throw rug in pit. South. Unlock door (need Jade key). 35. Hit tuning fork. Use sword. 36. Put cauldron in fireplace. Take wood. Take sticks. Light fire. Rub sticks together. Put elixir in cauldron. Put tanna in cauldron. Put dragonscale in cauldron. Throw rope. Climb rope. 37. Put ivory in pattern (need all three pieces). 38. Break chain with starsword. Give potion to dragon. Say "Darkness fears the flame" and become a hero. Enchanter 1. Open oven. Get bread, jug and lantern. 2. Fill jug. Good for four slugs-- but then this game may drive you to drink. 3. Like the signs say--other waayyyyyy! 4. Having gotten the rezrov spell from the crone, rezrov the gate and frotz the lantern. 5. Open door and examine the wall. Move the block and get the stained (Exex) scroll. Read, gnusto and learn it, as you do with all (well, almost all) spells. Leave the spoon. 6. Examine the bedpost. Rezrov the bedpost. Get gold (Vaxum) scroll. Clue is from dream that occurs if you're tired and sleep in the bed. 7. Leave lantern (or your light source) outside. Take lighted portrait. Get black (Ozmoo) scroll. 8. Rezrov the gate. 9. Nitfol the frogs. Look under lily pad. Get damp (cleesh) scroll. Don't forget the crumpled (Krebf) scroll in the forest. (You can sleep safely anywhere. Read your dreams carefully for clues.) 10. Rezrov the egg. Take the shredded (summon) scroll. Krebf the shredded scroll. Get the faded (Zifmia) scroll. 11. Save game. Read the dusty book. Read terror and implementer for information. Examine rat tracks. Reach in hole (rather fussy about syntax here). Get frayed (gondar) scroll. If you have the time. Zifmia the Implementers, just for fun. Make sure that you know the Ozmoo and Rezrov spells and head for the temple. 12. When you're tossed in the cell, ozmoo myself. Wait. Get the ceremonial dagger, the hard way. Down. Open south door. You'll probably get flipped back up on the altar, but your ozmoo should still hold. Down. South. Get all. North. Head West. 13. Cut the rope (with the ceremonial dagger). Open the box. Get vellum (melbor) scroll. Melbor myself. You may now roam about with impunity. 14. Find the adventurer in one of the mirrored halls. Zifmia the adventurer. Vaxum the adventurer. Show him the egg (or dagger) and he will follow you, at least for a while. 15. With the adventurer lured there by the sight of your treasures, adventurer, open the door. Get the map, pencil and purple (filfre) scroll. Give the adventurer the egg, dagger, and box if need be to lighten your load. Take the three objects from him if he has picked any of them up. Filfre the room, just for fun, as you don't otherwise require for the game. 16. Vaxum, nitfol, and exex the turtle. Turtle, follow me, and he will, for a while. 17. With the turtle there, save the game. Turtle, se and get the paper. Wave at the turtle when he's in the control room. Get the brittle (kulcad) scroll. 18. Save the game. Read the map. Connect f and p. Erase f and p. Erase m and v. Connect m and p. Move to location p. Get powerful (guncho) scroll. Drop map and pencil if necessary. 19. Make sure that you have learned the vaxum and gondar spells. Save the game. Kulcad the stairs. Read the ornate (izyuk) scroll. Izyuk myself. 20. Gondar the dragon. vaxum the being. Guncho Krill. Congratulations on your 400 points and being admitted to the Circle of Enchanters. The Spells of the Enchanter Spell Function Descriptions Location vaxum make hostile creature gold bedpost your friend zifmia magically summon a being faded egg ozmoo survive an unnatural black gallery death exex make things move with stained cell greater speed krebf repair willful damage crumpled forest cleesh change a creature to a damp swamp damp amphibian rezrov open even locked or some sort house enchanted objects gnusto write a magic spell into initial spell book the spell book blorb safely protect a small initial spell book object nitfol converse with beast in initial spell book their language frotz cause something to give initial spell book off light kulcad dispels a magic spell brittle engineroom melbor protect caster from evil vellum box beings filfre create gratuitous purple map room fireworks guncho banish victim to another powerful terrorroom plane gondar quench open flame frayed library izyuk fly like a bird ornate falling Fahrenheit 451 1. Examine leaves. Lift grate. Down. SE. 2. Take lighter. (Use lighter with everyone you meet for clues, at least most of the time. Also, cross over from west to east only at the overpass until you are chemindexed and you face matches your ID.) 3. Say "Twas brillig and the slithy toves." Get vision of Clarisse. 4. Use lighter. Get three Shakespearian quotes and three Biblical quotes. 5. In cathedral, say "Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice." Get quote, "Dr. Foster went to Gloucester." 6. In restaurant, take knife. Wait. Use lighter. Say "Dessert." Open cookie. Get quote "Stay me with flagons, etc." 7. Enter the crystart crystal. Wait. Get glasses. Use glasses. Leave crystart. Talk to man. Buy spyglass. 8. Use lighter. Get quote "Imagination bodies forth the form of things unknown." Say "Call me Ishmael." Get tetrasonde. It's not really necessary, but you can store things in the hotel lockers with open locker 415. 9. Use lighter. Read cards. Examine wall. Touch cable. Get backwards clues of what to say to the power center robot and about Wafer-5. 10. Use lighter. Get quote, "Rise up my Love, my fair one, and come away." Say "Yes." Say "I am sick." 11. Examine cabinet. Take paper-clip. Say "Dr. Foster went to Gloucester." Get chemindexed. Use paper-clip. Get chemindexer. Leave hospital. 12. Use lighter. Get the word to head for the magic shop for a mask. Say "Rise up my Love, my fair one, and come away." Get Emil Ungar's number, with requirement for quote from pope's essay on man. If you have a spyglass yet, you can look through it on the observation deck. 13. Use lighter. Get quote "Attended by a single hound--it's own identity." If your ID and face match, show ID. Order food. Pay for food. 14. Say "Yes." Buy something (anything). Say "Yes." Give (item) to engraver. Say "X.Y.", where X and Y are any two initials. Use lighter. Get quote "The scene was all changed, like the change in my face." Say "Imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown." Get library card. Say "Attended by a single hound--its own identity." Get new ID card. Take any one. 15. Say "Nothing comes amiss, so money comes withal." Get bank card and personal word. You can get cash to the north. Leave bank. Climb ramp. 16. Examine mural. Examine metal. Say "It was a pleasure to burn." Pick up phone. Get message to call Ray at NYC-154 and the quote "Some are born to sweet delight. Some are born to endless night." 17. Down. Take buttercup. Examine pit. To NE is a subway entrance. 18. In the subway, use lighter (with maintenance man). Get two clues: Call me Ishmael and the data stream is E58-59. 19. Heat lock. Say "The scene was all changed, like the change in my face." Show ID to clown. Put face in mask. Get face to match the correct ID card you have. 20. Enter alley. Open trapdoor. Wander around until you find the subway. 21. Wear glasses. Examine screen. Get message about room 210. 22. Open door. Use lighter. (Don't empty pockets or you're dead.) Ask woman. Say "Yes." Pay woman. Use fingerprinter. Ask man. Give lighter if you wish easier access to the subway via all the manholes. If you swap, you'll need another lighter from the hotel. 23. Enter phone booth. Dial NYC-154. Say "Some are born to sweet delight. Some are born to endless night." Say "Pope." Get quote "And all our knowledge is, ourselves to know." Dial NYC-802. Say the quote from pope. Get invitation to visit Ungar. Call a bunch of other numbers for fun and hints. 24. Push button 43R sometime between 6 and 8 P>M> (Enter time.) Talk to Ungar. Get Ungar's ID. Use chemindexer and fingerprinter. Go get another face at the magic shop. 25. As Ungar, put hand on panel. Show ID. Say "Die and be a riddance." N. Push button 5. You can also get the other four wafers, but they are not necessary to the game. 26. Put hand on slot. Show ID. Find room 212. 27. Use knife. Get Morton Dorr's ID, Use chemindexer and fingerprinter. Go get the last face you'll need. 28. Show ID. Show permit. Say "A living dog is better than a dead lion." 29. Fight guard. Keep trying any of the three options. 30. Examine room. Ask woman. Give buttercup. Up. 31. Fight hound. Two alternative endings start here, so save game. You may go down from either the SW corner of the inner courtyard or from the SW corner of the roof. 32. Use Wafer-5. Examine panel. 33. Ask Clarisse (twice). Insert Microcassette for surprise ending. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1. Get up. Turn on light. Get gown. Wear gown. Look in pocket. Take analgesic. Get all that you can, especially the pocket fluff. 2. Be sure you got the mail. Lie down (in front of bulldozer). Don't take the towel that Ford offers you. Ask Ford about house. Follow Ford to the pub. 3. Look at shelf. Buy sandwich. Drink beer (three time when told to). When you go outside to look at the Votrans. Feed sandwich to dog. When Ford drops the device, get device. Push green button. 4. Small. Eat peanuts. Take off gown. Hang gown on hook. Take towel. Put towel over drain. Take satchel. Put satchel in front of panel. Put mail on satchel. Push button. Get babel fish in your ear. Push switch. Make a note of which word you need from the poetry. Collect all your junk. 5. At end of Captain's first verse of poetry, enjoy poetry. When you go back into adjacent room, type the correct word of poetry (it varies) in quotations. Take plotter. 6. Listen until you hear something. South. (You'll encounter lots more dark areas. In general, look about four times until only four of your five senses are listed, then do the fifth,.) 7. Open box. Push pad. Get tea substitute. Leave the gun (it's useless). 8. South. Yes. Yes. South. No. (Be insistent.) Look twice. Get all. 9. Drop plotter, tea substitute and improbability generator. Put dangly bit in substitute. Connect small plug to small receptacle on plotter. Do not connect the large plug to large receptacle on console. Pull switch. Look around four times. The following five locations can appear in any order. 10. At the Bugblatters: Say "Arthur Dent." 11. At the Bugblatters: Take stone. Put towel over eyes. Carver Arthur dent on monument. Remove towel. West. Southwest. Get interface. 12. On Earth: Open satchel. Get satchel fluff and towel. Give towel to arthur. Go to Prosser. Prosser, lie down. Go to the pub. Buy beer. Drink beer (twice). Give fluff to arthur (must be wearing gown in order to get it back). 13. In speedboat: Look under seat. Take seat fluff, toolbox, key. Steer toward rocky spire. Turn on autopilot. 14. After leaving speedboat: Wait a bit. Guards, put down rifles. Trillian, shoot rifles. East. On returning to the spaceship, take a run to the hatchway to find the goodies from this trip. 15. Back on Heart of Gold: Open panel. Remove circuit board. Read lettering with glass. Drop them both. Insert interface in Panel. Close panel. Push pad. When the alarms sound and the missiles approach, go to the bridge. Now connect the large plug to large receptacle on console. Pull switch. Go connect the large plug to large receptacle on console. Pull switch. Go back and get (real) tea. Don't drink it, yet, even though it is worth 100 points. Put the dangly bit in the tea, rather than the substitute as it will work better, with fewer useless repeats. 16. At party: Open handbag. Look at Arthur. Drop plate. Get jacket fluff. Put fluff in handbag. Get plate. Seek out Phil for your return trip. 17. In brain: Look at black particle. Take particle. It would be well to save the game here, as you sometimes may randomly materialize in your own brain with disastrous results. 18. In whale: Take flowerpot. Put flowerpot in gown (to bring it back). 19. After getting the thing and the flowerpot at the hatchway, put all fluff in the flowerpot. (satchel fluff, seat cushion fluff, pocket fluff, and jacket fluff.) Wait a few turns until the plant sprouts. Enter the sauna with the plant. Look at plant. Take fruit. Eat fruit. Hallucinate, and take (proper tool). 20. Take tea. Take no tea!! (Must have taken black particle). Take the specified tool. 21. Open screening door. Drink tea before you enter. (The clue was to ask guide about intelligence.) 22. Marvin, open the hatch. Be on time, or Marvin will leave, and you will have a no-win situation on you hands. 23. Give Marvin the proper tool. West. Down to the neon billboard. Point Awards Points taking analgesic 10 drinking three beers 15 looking at shadow 8 getting babel fish 15 enjoying poetry 15 opening glass case 25 really looking in engine room 25 getting interface 25 stealing Heart of Gold 25 returning from party 25 drinking beer on earth 15 getting particle 25 entering sauna with plant 25 drinking tea 100 entering the screening room 25 opening the hatch 25 total 400 The Incredible Hulk 1. Tip chair. Read sign. Take gem. Take fan. Take mirror. Look mirror if you ever wonder which of you is you. 2. Push button (only once for full game). Bite lip. Go tunnel. Get gem. 3. Lift dome. Get gem. Dig. Go hole. Dig. Get gem. Up. 4. Like the sign says, drop your gems here. Don't go north from here for a while. The other three directions are random, so keep trying until you get the one you want. 5. At the Chief Examiner's desk, look desk. Take gem. Go door. 6. Get gem. Lift dome. Get gem. Dig. Go hole. Dig until you find something. Get ge. Up. Wave fan. At mesh. Go dome. W. Take wax. 7. Get gem. Move away from ants as you only get one move until you are ready. Go back and lift dome. Take gem. Dig. Go hole. Dig until you find something. Take gem. Up. 8. Take two gems. Look baseboard. Look outlet. Plug outlet. With wax. Bite lip. Ask Dr. (three times until he leaves). Take gem. Take wax. 9. Remember nightmare. Go dome. As the Hulk, pull ring. (Don't go down if you wish to win the game.) 10. Remember nightmare. North. As the Hulk, eat egg. Scratch wall. Go crack. Get Gem. You'll deal with these guys in a moment. Go crack. Go hole. 11. Plug ears. With wax. Go to the ant hill. Hold nose. Close eyes. Take ants. North. Remember nightmare. North. Go crack. Open eyes. Take gem. Take bio on the way out. 12. Drop the rest of your gems and type score. If you have all seventeen, the Chief Examiner will tell you to remember the password ARIA, and you will be congratulated for completing the game. Infidel 1. After getting up, collect all objects at the fire pit, work tent, and supply tent. Break lock on chest with ax. Remove and drop lock. Open chest. Get map and beef. At the Nile, drop knapsack. Open, fill, and close canteen. When you get hungry, have water close at hand. The knapsack can carry many objects, obviating an inventory management problem, but at the cost of having to drop them to get at any of the contents, and, perhaps, forgetting to pick them up again. 2. Open crate that the plane dropped. Get navigation box. Push button to get your latitude and longitude. Use the box to find the location marked on the map that came with your game. Dig with the shovel until you uncover top of pyramid. Unfold the map and put the cube in the hole. Check the hieroglyphics. 3. Get torch. Open jar and dip torch in it. Drop knap and get matchbook. Take match and close matchbook. Light torch with match. Close and take jar. (Torch may require this procedure during game; extinguish it before dipping.) Tie rope to altar. Take and throw rope to north. Take knap. Go either north or down. 4. Move statue. Take head and gold cluster. Roll statue northeast (for example), drop the head (to match your weight on the floor). Go southwest to the room of Isis and get emerald cluster. Get the head and roll statue into another diagonal corner, moving in the opposite direction until you've gotten all four jeweled clusters. Note the hieroglyphics in each room; they differ but slightly, offering a clue to their decipherment. (Hint: a "direction" and name appear in each.) 5. Compare the scroll hieroglyphics to those in one of the cube rooms; note what may well be the numbers one through nine. 6. Examine slot and remove shim. Put torch in knothole. Now it's safe to drop all. Lift mast. Get all. Go up and get beam (mast), noting its hieroglyph. 7. Examine the dead adventurer for the (poison) ring. Save the game and wear ring. Deciphering the chamber or the silver or gold room hieroglyphics here would give away too much! Be content by getting the gold and silver chalices. 8. Take and drop first, third, then fifth brick, just like the scroll "tells" you to do. 9. Break plaster with ax. 10. Place mast in the niches, like the hieroglyphics there tell you to do. Stand on the beam. Break plaster with ax. Open door. 11. You need the mast again. Put the mast between the rocks. Open door. 12. Put the jeweled clusters in their appropriate corners to match up with the god's rooms in which they were initially found, diamond in first, ruby in second, emerald in third, and opal in fourth. Be sure to take your knapsack. Lift slab. Get book and spatula. Read book, noting its hieroglyph. Open book with spatula for a little more easy reading! Take beam when you've left. 13. Put the beam under the timber. Examine the door and break the seal with the ax. Open door. 14. Put the gold and silver chalices on the two empty discs on the left and on the right. Pour water into the silver chalice, or as an alternate, put the cigarette pack in the silver chalice. This will balance the scales, and permit you to get the scarab. Note its hieroglyph. 15. Place the book in the large recess of the queen's sarcophagus, and the scarab in the small recess. (This is a direct translation of the hieroglyphics in the book.) Turn the gods in the order implied by the number of "@" in each of their names, that is, Neith, Selkis, Isis, and Nephthys. When you now move the lid, you have won 400 points but lost something else. Yes, this is the end, there is no other way of getting a perfect score, and no way of avoiding this ending. You can, however, by using the beam to cross the pit, get out of the pyramid with 395 points. King's Quest 1. Open door. Bow to king. 2. Take carrot. 3. Climb tree. Get golden egg. 4. Push rock. Get dagger. 5. Look in stump. Get pouch. 6. Enter the witch's house, if she is there, leave. Reenter, if she is gone, hide in the bedroom until she returns. When she goes to the oven to bake some cookies, go behind her and push her into the fire. Open cupboard. Take cheese. Get the note in the bedroom for a clue. On the way out, eat house. 7. Get walnut. Open walnut. 8. Get bowl. Read bowl. 9. Get pebbles. 10. Talk to elf. Get ring. Turn invisible by rub ring, but lose points. 11. Get clover. 12. Open gate. Show carrot to goat. Lead the goat to the troll. 13. Talk to gnome. His name is IFNKOVHGROGHPRM. This is Rumplestiltskin as spelled against two alphabets, side by side, one of which is A to Z, and the other is Z to A. Take Beans. If you guess wrong, get key, but also fewer points. 14. Fill. Give bowl to woodcutters. Get fiddle. 15. Plant magic beans. Climb beans stalk. Alternately, use the key to open the cave door. Save the game, as the climb is sort of tough to accomplish the first time. 16. Keep away from the giant for about a minute (unless you have the shield). When giant takes his nap, take chest. Alternately, but for fewer points, get the sling in the tree to the south of here. Move east. Kill giant. With sling. Get treasure chest. 17. Cut rope (need dagger). Lower rope. Climb down rope. 18. Jump in water. Dive. 19. Move close to the dragon, just out of range of his fire. Throw water on dragon. Get magic mirror. (You can also kill him with the dagger, but for fewer points.) Sometime later, fill bucket again for a couple of points. 20. Jump. You may have to try this several times. Try it toward the bottom of the screen, when the bird is flying from left to right. 21. Be sure you have the mushroom (to the east of here), the fiddle, and the cheese. March into the hole. 22. Give cheese to rat. Open door. 23. Play fiddle. Get shield and sceptre. 24. Eat mushroom. Open door. Bow to king for the finale. Point Allocations for King's Quest Object or Task Points Alternatives opening castle door 1 bowing to king 3 getting carrot 2 climbing tree 2 getting golden egg 6 moving rock 2 getting dagger 5 looking at stump 1 getting pouch 3 opening pouch 3 putting witch in stove 7 opening cabinet 2 getting cheese 2 getting note 2 reading note 1 eating house 2 getting walnut 3 opening walnut 3 getting bowl 3 reading bowl 1 getting pebbles 1 getting ring 3 rubbing ring -3 getting clover 2 showing carrot to goat 5 butting troll from bridge 4 giving gnome's name 5 getting magic beans 4 getting key 3 fill bowl 2 giving bowl to woodcutter's 3 getting fiddle 3 planting magic beans 2 getting sling 2 getting giant to sleep 7 killing giant 2 getting chest 8 cutting rope 2 climbing down rope 1 getting water (automatic) 2 dive 2 swimming through hole 1 throwing water at dragon 5 killing dragon -2 getting magic mirror 8 filling bucket 2 jumping on condor 3 getting mushroom 1 giving cheese to rat 2 playing fiddle 3 getting magic shield 8 getting sceptre 6 eating mushroom 2 getting out of room 1 opening castle door 1 bowing to king 3 total 158 A Mind Forever Voyaging Note: I played this game on a gamma test version, thus there may well be some difference between this solution and the version of the game you play. You are the first sentient computer, awakened from a simulation mode that you've been in for some twenty years to learn that you are a computer called PRISM. The leader of the complex is Abe Perelman, who is the only human that you will deal with. You are told that you are now ready to begin a project to simulate what the country would be like if a certain socio-economic plan is implemented. There are not too many puzzles as such in A Mind Forever Voyaging, hence this solution is in narrative form rather than step by step as with most games. The game has three parts and an Epilog. Part I is an introduction in which you go on your first simulation. In Parts I and II, the name of the game is to explore and record. Before you leave, Perelman's associates will give you a list of the things you are to accomplish. Basically, you need to visit various locations, record what you observe there, and bring the record back to Perelman, When you successfully return the information that Perelman needs, you are sent on the next part. There is much text associated with the extensive map of Rockvil during the periods of 2041, 2051, 2061, 2071, and 2081. Initially, however, you can only venture to 2041. There are four mode which you may enter or go to: Communications mode: You may see, hear, or speak in this mode. 1. PRISM project control center (PPCC) 2. research center rooftop (RCRO) 3. Dr. Perelman's office (PEOF) 4. PRISM facility cafeteria (PCAF) 5. maintenance core (MACO) 6. World News Network feed (WNNF) Library mode: Follow the instructions. Interface mode: Interrogate and direct other interface devices, such as the HVAC. Data is found in the library mode. The ventilation must be turned off in the maintenance core when the saboteurs enter. Simulation mode: Enter you security clearance wheel, and be sure to do the following: 1. Eat a meal in either restaurant. 2. Buy a newspaper at Bodanski Square. 3. Ride public transportation at any tube station. 4. Talk to a government official at the city hall. 5. Buy some clothes at Dunbars. 6. Go to a movie at the cinema. Try to accomplish these tasks in each of the simulation periods. In later simulations, some tasks cannot be accomplished and there will be new events for you to record, such as the police raid in the dorm, the general decay of the neighborhood, and the skycar factory output. "Abort" will get you out at any time. Since you alone can see what happens, it is necessary to use the recorder. Be sure to turn off the recorder (record off) as soon as you've recorded what you want, as the buffer isn't overly large. If your buffer is full, return to Perelman. You may need to sleep while awaiting his arrival. The recorder may also be used in communications mode. Part II continues and builds new simulation periods through 2081. You can return to an earlier simulation period if you wish, but there is little reason to. The later periods are dependent on you success in the earlier periods; you can't get to 2061, for example, until you have gathered enough data from 2041 and 2051. In some of the later simulation periods, there are a few things that you won't be able to do, like buy a newspaper or ride in the tube, and you can record this fact. More significant things to record include the police raid in the dorm at Rockvil University, the decay of the city overall, such as is found at some of the parks, or the fact that buildings you say in earlier periods are gone. Turn your recorder on, and type look, and then turn record off. Your son, Mitch, goes off to join the Church of God's Word, making Jill, your wife, your wife, very despondent. You may have to replay certain parts from a saved-game position in order to capture action sequences on your recorder. Check Rockvil Stadium, where the Christians and the Lions are at it again in the form of Criminals and Robots. Part III, in 2031, is more of a puzzle phaze. Go to PEOF, from the communications mode. Wait for Perelman and Senator Ryder to appear. Turn the recorder on to record their heated conversation. Later, some individuals dressed as PRISM personnel enter the maintenance core, intent of sabotaging one of your cooking systems. Foil this attempt by entering communications mode, go to MACO, from the communication mode. When they enter the room, enter interface mode and enter HVAC, status. You are given a description of the areas that it controls in the PRISM facility. HVAC, turn off ventilation in the sector that represents the maintenance core. The third puzzle requires that you wait for the World News Network Feed Interface coming on-line. Enter feed, send record (of the Perelman/Ryder confrontation). After Part III the game is essentially over, and you enter the Epilog. There are no puzzles here, so when Perelman tells you that your final simulation for 2091 is ready, type enter simulation. Continue to type l and enjoy the text. The simulation starts in your house. You have a few moves to look around until Jill tells you that the skycab has arrived. You will fly to the spaceport and the ending of the game. Planetfall 1. Nothing really can be done until the explosion occurs. Enter pod. Get in the web. Wait until pod lands. Get out of the web. Get kit. Open bulkhead. Leave pod. Swim up. 2. Look at crevice. Hold metal bar near key. It's magnetic, so don't carry it when you have any of the access cards. 3. Search robot. Get upper elevator card. Turn on robot. You could turn him off later to get it, or Floyd will eventually volunteer that he has one. 4. Open lock with key. Remove and drop lock. Open door. Get ladder. Leave the can and key. 5. Drop and extend the ladder. Put ladder across rift. 6. Look at the desks in both offices. Open drawers and get the three cards. 7. Slide kitchen card through slot. 8. Examine machine. Open canteen and put it under spout. Press button. Close canteen or drink the liquid if/when you are hungry. Carry a full canteen with you. 9. All you need from here is the bedistor. 10. This area is a red herring with no bearing on the game. Ditto for the dorms and sanitary facilities, although it's a good place to sleep. 11. Press red and blue buttons. Wait for the elevators to arrive. In the red (upper) elevator, slide upper elevator card through slot. Press up. 12. Push button for a message. The clue as to type of coolant required for repairs is the color of the flashing light. Go down to the machine shop. Put glass under spout. Press (color of the light) button. Take beaker to communications room and pour liquid in hole. Repeat process for all the subsequent colored flashing lights. 13. In the blue (lower) elevator, slide lower elevator card through slot. Press down. 14. In control room, push lever. Pull lever at 45 MPH. Pull lever when you see deceleration sign. Coax shuttle into station, if necessary, by pushing and pulling the lever. 15. Floyd, north. Floyd, get the shiny fromitz board. Nothing can be done with the broken robots lying around here and in the infirmary. 16. Open lid. Remove second board. Insert shiny board in panel. 17. Open cube. Pull fused bedistor with pliers. Put good bedistor in cube. Drop pliers. 18. Although not necessary for winning, it's fun to put (green or red) spool in machine. Turn on machine. Also, spend some time on interesting reading and background with the computer. Turn on computer. Type (number). 19. You can change uniforms if you wish. Open pocket in lab uniform. Get combination and teleportation cards. Remove and drop old battery and install new battery in laser. 20. Slide teleportation card through slot. Push (color) to teleport to other booths. Combination lock on conference room door can only be opened from the outside. 21. Read output. Make sure Floyd sees that the computer is down, or he won't volunteer to do something later. 22. Open the bio-lock. Look in window. Watch Floyd's reaction. Open door. Close door. Open door when Floyd knocks. Close door. Get microminiaturization card. 23. Slide micromin card through slot. Type 384. 24. With dial set at 1. Shoot speck with laser. Again, until speck is destroyed. (Try it with a different setting from a saved-game position.) 25. With dial set at anything except 1, shoot microbe with laser. Again, until laser is warm and text notes that microbe has taken interest in the heat. Throw laser off strip. 26. Open desk. Get and wear gas mask. Save game. Push red button. Wait a turn for the gas to take effect. Open door. West. Open door. West. (Don't stop to close it!) Open door. Move directly and immediately to where the mural was seen. Enter the elevator. Push button. (Interesting variations on the game outcome and final printout occur if some of the comm, defense, or course control units are not repaired and you get through to the final elevator.) Rendezvous with Rama 1. Take all. Wear suit. 2. Plug cable three into panel. Goldie, come. 3. Examine viewport. Let Will land the ship using the autopilot, or get ready for a touch arcade game. 4. To depart the airlock: Open inner door. Enter. Close inner door. Open outer door. Exit. To get back in from the surface: Up, open outer door. Enter. Close outer door. Open inner door. Exit. 5. Turn wheel right. Enter chamber. Goldie, push blue button. Push red buttons. Enter. 6. Push white disk. Push blue disk to enter Rama. Push red disk to return. 7. (To return, down.) Open case. Get on dragonfly. Fly. Whether you succeed or not, you will still end up at the same place in the southern hemisphere. 8. Climb up. (Move fast until you see the bars). The grate is a red herring. 9. Push dome. Don't forget Romcart2. Climb down. 10. Press disk. Take globe. This is the object required to refuel your ship. Except for getting the flower, step 13, all you need now to do is to return to your ship. The balance of the puzzles are only window-dressing.' 11. Step on center tile. Turn wheel right. Hold handrail. Examine platform. Turn wheel left to get down. 12. Use laser. Get piece. 13. Cut trellis with piece. Enter. Take flower. Exit. 14. Climb fence. Climb inner fence. Examine crater. Yup, that's it for here. 15. Cut tapestry with knife. Get wire. 16. Press red column. Press orange column. Press yellow column. Press green column. Press blue column. For all this, you get to hear some music. 17. Pull door down. Enter. Push button. Pull door down again to exit. 18. Up, (to get to the edge of the crater). 19. Give crystal to phantom. Enter. Examine light. Exit. 20. Press triangles until all are lit. Enter. Get Romcart1. Exit. 21. Plug wire into battery (of spacesuit). Take ball. (Sphere won't work.) 22. Put flower in door. 23. Step on (color of) sidewalk, where: red goes back to flowered door. grey goes to London. maroon goes to New York. black goes to Paris. white goes to Moscow. (For now, head for Moscow and find the Kiosk.) 24. Press three bars (on Kiosk). Get Romcart3. 25. In each city, approach rectangular building. Give line to Goldie. Goldie, climb building. Goldie, tie line to post. Climb line. Examine roof. Look through roof. 26. Go to New York. Enter light. Put Romcarts on platform. Get oodles of text. 27. Put ball on platform. That's it, that's all there is! 28. Give globe to Goldie. Goldie, enter blue hatchway. Push button. Now go to the bridge for the finale. Seastalker 1. Turn on screen. Tune screen. Take microphone. Turn on microphone. Bly, tell me about the problem. Good-bye. Drop microphone. 2. Check electrical panel. Reset circuit breaker. 3. Turn on computestor. Ask about Scimitar. 4. Put capsule in reactor (it was in the west walkway). Close reactor. Fill tank. Open gate. Close hatch. Turn on reactor. Start engine. Open throttle. 5. Dive to five meters. Look at scope (or set scope to automatic). Look at depth finder. Head northeast. Dive to fifteen meters when you can. Avoid rock and the ship, which always draws ten meters. Save game before hitting the open ocean. 6. Turn on autopilot. Ask Tip for magazine. Open and read magazine. Open and read magazine. Ask Tip for universal tool. Open access panel with universal tool. Close throttle. Stop engine. Push test button. Enter crawl space. Adjust voltage regulator. Leave crawl space. (You may be cut on arm on way out.) Turn throttle to full. Not much to do but wait and answer sonarphone if it rings. Wait until you dock at the dome by opening throttle. Take emergency oxygen gear. Leave Scimitar. 7. Open access panel with universal tool. Look. Take relay. Screw relay into empty space. 8. Search for bazooka. Take bazooka. Follow Bly to her office. 9. Ask about evidence. Take box. Open box with universal tool. Look at box. Don't forget to get the fram bolt wrench from under the desk. Tip, put the bazooka in the claw. 10. Open blue door. South. Open locker with universal tool. Take, open, and read diary. 11. Give magazine to Horvak. (This will prompt him to make up the AH dart.) Give dart to Tip. Tip, put the dart in the claw. Make sure that Mick Antrim has volunteered to install the emergency survival equipment. 12. Check the emergency survival unit. Take syringe. Take it to the Doc. Doc, analyze the syringe. Ask Greenup about syringe. Back in the office, turn off docking tank electricity. After Greenup is captured, turn on docking tank electricity. 13. Ask Tip about fine grid. Have him install it. 14. Close tank roof. Close hatch. Flood tank. Open gate. Start engine. South. Open throttle. Save the game. After clearing the dome, turn sonar to automatic. Turn on depth finder. Head southeast. Wait until you encounter the Snark. 15. When Sharon conks Thrope, maneuver around behind him. After he wakes up and stops the Sea Cat, close throttle. Aim bazooka at power pod. Fire bazooka. Become a famous adventurer and amass 100 points. Interesting but unsuccessful alternatives include firing the dart at the snark and at the power pod. Seastalker points Action Points Total turn on scanner 1 1 tune screen 1 2 take microphone 1 3 power failure -3 0 reset circuit breaker 3 3 take reactor capsule 5 8 entering Scimitar 1 9 turn on reactor 5 14 start engine 5 19 getting to open ocean 5 29 turning on autopilot 5 34 reaching Aquadome 5 39 opening access panel (at relay) 5 44 screwing in relay 5 49 getting bazooka 5 54 putting bazooka in claw 5 59 getting dartgun 5 64 putting dart in claw 5 69 installing emergency survival gear 5 74 showing syringe to Greenup 5 79 turning off dock electricity 5 84 leaving Aquadome 1 85 Sharon conks Thrope 5 90 aiming bazooka at Sea Cat 5 95 firing bazooka at Sea Cat 5 100 Sorcerer 1. Frotz me (or the spell book). Get up. 2. Take all. Open mailbox. Before the mailman comes, put matchbook in mailbox. When you get thirsty and hungry, open vial. Drink potion. 3. Look behind hanging. Get key. Open desk. Get box. Open and read journal. You may leave the journal and infotater. 4. Take gaspar scroll. 5. Look in mailbox. Get orange vial. Get and read magazine. 6. Take meef scroll. Read about the names and places mentioned in the calendar and journal. 7. Press (the five colors corresponding to the "current code" as taken from the infotater in the package.) Take aimfiz scroll. This is a good save game point. Aimfiz belboz. 8. You can't deal with either the hellhound or the boa constrictor. 9. To avoid inventory management problems, it's wise to drop all but book, amulet, and orange vial. 10. Izyuk me. West. 11. Take zorkmid. Fear not, one is enough. Don't forget to izyuk back across the chasm. 12. Take fweep spell. Take guano and amber vial, useless as it is. Don't forget to try the indigo potion from the torture chamber, which also has no read use in the game. Get here by pulver-ing river. 13. Wake gnome. Give zorkmid. When he promptly falls asleep, look in pockets. Leave the waxer in the store. 14. Learn three fweep spells. Fweep me. As a bat, move N.E.S.S.W.D.E.E.N.N.U.U.S.E. 15. Take swanzo scroll. Put scroll in hole. Fweep me. Don't dally about. Move W.W.S.E.D.D.W.W.U.U.N.N.D.W. Fweep me. S.E.N.D.W.S.E. 16. Take all. Izyuk me. Up. West. 17. Get swanzo spell from fireplace. 18. Lower flag. Search flag. Get aqua vial. 19. Put guano in barrel. Get yonk spell. 20. Give the poor guy the zorkmid. 21. Take the ball. Open aqua vial and drink potion. Throw ball at bunnies. Get malyon spell. 22. Learn malyon. Yonk malyon. Malyon the dragon. A good place to save to the game. 23. Open orange vial. Drink potion. Write down the combination your "self" gives you. Give spell book. 24. Turn dial to (the combination). Open door. East. Get rope. 25. Tie rope to timber. 26. Drop all but rope. Throw rope down chute. 27. Take golmac spell. Golmac me. Open lantern. Take vardik scroll. 28. Self, combination is (whatever it was). Get spell book (back) from self. 29. Meef the spenseweeds. Get crate. (Try reading your spell book if you didn't drop it before your swim.) Sleep before proceeding, or you may forget some spells. 30. Meef the vines. Wearing the grue suit and/or with your lantern on, and having learned a cardik and swanzo spell, charge on to the west for a final confrontation. 31. Open white door. Vardik me. Swanzo belboz. Victory, 400 points and a promotion are thine! The Spells of the Sorcerer Spell Descriptions Location gnusto write a magic spell into the spell spell book book vezza view the future spell book pulver cause liquid to dry spell book izyuk fly like a bird spell book yomin mind probe spell book rezrov open even locked or enchanted spell book objects frotz cause something to give off light spell book meef cause plants to wilt library gaspar provide for your own resurrection Helistar's room aimfiz transport to someone else's trunk location fweep turn caster into a bat hidden cave swanzo exorcise a inhabiting presence chimney yonk augment the power of certain cannon spells malyon bring to life inanimate objects arcade golmac travel temporally slant room vardik shield mind from an evil spirit slant room Potions of the Sorcerer Color Name Description Location ochre berzio obviate need for food store room and drink orange vilstu obviate need for mail box breathing indigo flaxo exquisite torture torture chamber amber blort ability to see in dark hidden cave places aqua fooble increase muscular flag coordination Spider-man 1. Climb ceiling. Look in crib. If Sandman comes up go east, return. Take formula while Sandman is still sand. Leave and reenter. Take gem (from crib). Climb down. 2. Drop gem. Type score. Say scan (object or person) to Madame Web. 3. Open doors. Go shaft. 4. Look elevator walls. Look niche. Take gem. Do this at each of the four landings of the elevator. Push up at the third landing to get to the fourth. 5. Take painting. Remove frame. Get formula. Lower thermostat. Do it again. Open desk. Take gem. 6. Get the acid, calcium carbonate, and acid in the room to the south. Mix acid with calcium carbonate. Get calcium chloride. Make fluid. 7. Close eyes. West. Push knob. Open eyes. The RingMaster is now gone. Get gem. Type run for a clue. 8. Give calcium chloride to lizard, search Doc. Get gem. Take Doc. 9. Look west. Shoot web at Bio-gem. Drop off your gems with made web to avoid inventory problems. You should now have nine of them. 10. Go back to Hydroman. Get ice block (Aquarium). Get statue (Hydroman). 11. Drop off ice statue outside. Take all (the desk, clock, and couch). Raise thermostat (twice). Look aquarium. Take gem from aquarium. Lower thermostat. Get statue on way out. (Statue again becomes Hydroman when thermostat is raised. Don't ever drop him as Hydroman or you'll never get him back.) 12. Jump. 13. Feel north. Get gem. Feel south. Get gem. Climb ceiling. 14. Open mesh. Enter duct. 15. Drop all gems temporarily. Examine fan. Shoot web at fan. Examine fan. Speed will be down by 100. Shoot web at fan until speed is at 50. Shoot web at button. You could stop the fan by throwing a heavy object at it, but you need them all later. Enter the maze with enter fan. Get gem. To get to the basement go down five times. (To get out, go up until you are at the back of the fan and then enter fan.) 16. Get gem. Take Dr. Octopus. Hit Electro. Search Electro. Get gem. Search Dr. Octopus. Get gem. DRop gems. Take Electro. Take Dr. Octopus. 17. Put everything you have on scale, including Hydroman, Electro, Dr. Octopus, Doc Conners, Couch, Clock, Desk, and Mesh. Read dial. It should read 951 pounds. Go to computer room. Get the gems you left earlier. 18. Type run. Go back to the basement and get newspaper. Read newspaper. Take newspaper to the computer room. Type reset. Get gem. 19. Drop the last of your gems with Madame Web. Score. You should now have eighteen gems worth 100 points and a password to some future game. Starcross 1. The syntax to set range, theta, and phi is "Computer, range is xxx." Read range from the line extending from the center to the right of the map; theta is read clockwise in 15 degree steps from the top of the map; phi is the number in brackets below the object number. Computer, confirm. Later, enter airlock. 2. Press fourth bump, push tiny column. Take black rod. (counting the Sun, the Earth would be the fourth bump out.) 3. Throw library at nest. Get red rod. Get library. 4. Give tape library to spider. Get yellow rod. 5. Insert yellow rod in the yellow slot to light the initially dark areas. Insert red rod in second red slot to start manufacture of oxygen (an oxygen atom has eight elections. The other slots represent CH4 and NH3, respectively). Try playing around with the other slots; you'll eventually die, but it's cleverly done. 6. The basket will hold all the rods you can ever find. Tie line to both hook and spacesuit. Get pink rod. 7. The disks are teleportation device. Drop one somewhere, go somewhere else and drop the other to arm it--then stand on it. To get the blue rod, start with one disk somewhere else and put the other under the sphere; with the dial on 2, put the basket on top (with at least three rods in it) and turn the dial to 4. Everything will zap to the other disk. 8. Look in the gun barrel. Get silver rod. The gun's three shots can get you all kinds of interesting responses, but it really has only one use. 9. Let the mouse take everything except one disk. Wait a while, or follow him until he disappears in the wall. Drop the other disk and stand on it. Collect all your objects again and search the garbage until you find the green rod. 10. With the square, open panel, insert square, close panel, turn switch on. Get gold rod. 11. Drop a disk somewhere before meeting the Chief. Wait for him in the village center, and point back t his brown rod. Swap him your spacesuit for it. Don't take no for an answer. Follow Chief into the warren to its center. 12. Move skeleton. Get violet rod, be sure to take the visor before standing on the disk to get out. Make sure you have done all you need to with the disks before this. (Save the game first, but did you ever take the skeleton?) 13. Look at projector with visor. Get clear rod. 14. Put white rod in white slot, but putting the black rod in the black slot will shut down the ship, and is dangerous to your health. 15. Shoot the gun at the drive bubble three times. 16. Put the matching colored rods in the slots; if you don't have them all, you're in deep trouble! Touch large pink square until the solar system is seen out to Jupiter. Touch brown spot until Earth is highlighted. Touch violet until line terminates in a circle around Earth. Touch green spot until the dots flash slowly. Touch blue spot. If you didn't get 400 points, check the scoring below. Scoring Summary 25 points for each of the following tasks or items Reaching artifact's airlock Black rod (entering artifact -- press 4th) Yellow rod (give spider the tape) Red rod (break rat-ant nest with disk or tape) Pink rod (lizard man -- yellow dock -- need suit) Brown rod (give spacesuit for rod -- to Chief) Violet rod (move skeleton) Silver rod (look in ray gun barrel) Clear rod (look at laser with visor) Green rod (turn on computer -- need the square) Blue rod (disk under, basket on sphere, dial 14, teleport) White rod (lying loose in the drive bubble) Entering control bubble (fire gun at drive bubble) Proper control sequence (pink, brown, violet, green, blue) Reaching Earth (Proper orbit -- "Galactic Overlord") Suspect 1. When Veronica drop glass, do not take it. Follow Veronica. 2. When Alicia approaches at 9:19, look at weather. Look at wet overcoat. 3. Move body. Take object. Remove belt. Put bullet in belt. Wear belt. Take mask and folder. Look in wastebasket. Take card. Leave the lariat, or you'll end up in the slammer for sure. Look in the fairy mask. 4. Call police. They will arrive at 9:59 (or 10:59 if you don't call them. Either way, the game plays identically.) 5. Around 10:25 Michael will come to the garage. He will leave around 22 minutes later. Open tool box. Take crowbar. Open BMW trunk with crowbar. Take folder. Open folder. 6. Show manila folder to Ostmann, Cochrane and Marston. 7. Show manila folder to detective. Show business card to detective. (Now at least you won't be arrested--at 11:03 if you called the police or 11:50 if you didn't.) 8. Hide behind the chair at 11:00 to catch Marston and Michael in some skulduggery. 9. Be at the fireplace at 10:53. When Marston drops the paper into the fireplace, take paper. 10. Show trust to Michael and Marston. Ask Michael and Marston about trust. OK, so you don't get much of a reaction. 11. Take trash basket (don't take the glass or you'll smudge the fingerprints. Detective, analyze the glass for fingerprints. 12. Take wet raincoat. 13. Tell detective about weather. Show detective the wet raincoat. Show detective the trust folder. Show detective the investment list. Tell detective to look in mask. 14. Detective, arrest Michael and Alicia. 15. Unlock (specific name) door. Open (specific name) door. Suspended 1. To minimize casualties, send a robot to weather control, turn second dial to zero. 2. Repair iris. Have Waldo wear the extension from middle supply. Open the maintenance panel, replace the rough device with the rough object in the basket, and close the panel. 3. Repair the machine in the main supply by taking out the bubbly and the disfigured devices. Put the red object (from the basket) in the red socket, and the yellow object in the yellow socket. 4. Get the first replacement cable in the main supply by pushing button on machine, taking the fuse, then taking the cable. Be sure to put the fuse in the machine again, and to write down the possible computer reset code. 5. Get beyond the hallway junction by getting the ramp from sub supply and putting it on the step. Carefully check out the sub supply for other objects, even though you don't need them. 6. After getting to the sloping corridor, take the ramp and go to the small supply. Drop and stand on the ramp to get the cutting tool. Pick up the ramp again, and go to the hallway end. Get in, then get out and get the TV camera in the biology laboratory. The vehicle from the hallway end won't run for all robots, and some can't get into it. 7. The "talking mechanisms" can be slowed down considerably by having Auda follow them to the sleeping chamber, taking the bag and going to maintenance access. The humans will follow and fix the acid leak that kills off your robots. 8. Get the second replacement cable in gamma repair. Have Sensa look at the large object and then turn the flow switch. She needs the help of another robot, so "both Sensa and xxx, move Fred," then name ascribed him by Poet. 9. In either channel, plug the TV camera in and point it at different objects to get the lay of the cables and their reset codes for the FC. It is a good idea to save the game before playing around with the cables, for several reasons. 10. In the primary channel, replace the red four-inch cable with the red twelve-inch cable from Fred. 11. In the secondary channel, replace the orange nine-inch cable with the orange fourteen-inch cable from the machine in main supply. Poet can't tell which is the bad one, so the way to find out is to take them out one at a time. The one that doesn't kill your robot is the bad one! Tracer Sanction 1. Talk to man. Go buy chart. Buy fuel (990). 2. Get the spacesuit and jetpack. Look at chart. Turn pointer to Sonex. Push button. 3. Knock on door (for a clue). 4. Sell gem. 5. Buy fuel. Turn pointer to Jubilex. Push button. 6. Take battery. West. Enter shack. Leave shack. 7. Yell or shout. Go get diamond. Dig for gold. Buy fuel (750). 8. Turn pointer to Sonex. Push button. Sell the diamond for $1500. Buy more fuel (1500). Turn pointer to Brenon I. 9. Shake bridge. Get android. Insert battery. 10. Wear jetpack. Turn dial. North. Look bushes. Go get ace and lighter. Turn pointer to Earth. Push button. 11. Dig. Get rope. Enter the castle. Turn the wheel. 12. Get the torch. Take worn book. Get $900. Wear jetpack. turn dial. Take sword. Go to front of castle and read sign. Buy fuel and turn the pointer to Jubilex. Push button. 14. Drop android (he's afraid of the dark). Tie rope to pipe. E, E. Get money. W, W. Buy some fuel and turn pointer to Metropolis VII. Push button. 15. Sell fuel. You should have $700. 16. Open account (costs $50). Deposit all your money, should be $650. 17. Give banana. Get key and banana peel. 18. Withdraw $650. Enter the casino. Don't waste your money on the woman. Talk to bartender. Buy drink (costs $10). Buy information (costs $5). Get the name of the last planet, Valkyron. 19. Bet $635. Cheat. Leave the casino. Drop banana peel. Deposit $1905. Don't forget to pick it up again in the bank. Buy fuel. Turn pointer to Koranth. Push button. Turn pointer to Darten. Push button. 20. Push button. Unlock door (need key). Insert sword in slit. From the entry to the maze, go E, N, S, E, S, N, S, S, W, W, W, W, W, W. Talk to man. Wing will now follow you. 21. Take battery. Recharge battery. Insert battery. Get back to entry by E, E, E, E, E, N, W, W. Buy $400 worth of fuel for the last trip. Turn pointer to Valkyron. Push button. Wishbringer 1. Show envelope to gravedigger. Wait until he leaves. Enter grave. Get bone. Do it later and you'll have difficulty getting out. Don't forget the umbrella in the twilight glenn. 2. Give bone to poodle. 3. Be sure to get note from Miss Voss. 4. Enter station. Wait until MacGuffin falls asleep. Take chocolate. Be sure to get gold coin from fountain. 5. Take seahorse. Put seahorse in water. 6. Take envelope to woman. Open envelope. Read letter. Get can. 7. Open can. Take can. Look in can. Open false bottom. Get stone. 8. If you are caught, take blanket. Enter hole. drop blanket. Enter hole. Take stone. Enter hole. Take blanket and go to the grue's nest. Put blanket on beast. Open refrigerator. Take bottle. Note: Generally it's well to avoid the marching feet by wait. The second time you're caught, you're in trouble as you need the chocolate to wish for freedom and you also need it to get the token. The third time, you are fed to the sharks, but a friendly seahorse saved you, if you put the poor critter back in the water previously. 9. Drop all. Go get branch at the cliff bottom. Put branch in pit. Take branch. Drop in sand. Get silver whistle. Blow whistle. 10. Put hat on pelican. Get the magik word. 11. Put branch in crevice. Enter crevice. Move leaves. Take worm. 12. Give worm to goldfish. Get token. 13. Give coin to Voss. Enter. Give ticket to gravedigger. Enter. 14. Look under seat. Get 3D glasses. Wear glasses. Watch the movie until it ends. Leave. Remove glasses. 15. Open mailbox. Take leaflet. Go to the pleasure wharf and watch the battle of the mailboxes. 16. Put token in slot. Move joystick west. Again. Move joystick south. Again. Push button. Yes, you really want to. 17. Sesame. 18. Give note to Crisp. Take jacket. Take key (from jacket). Unlock chain with key. Pull lever. (Don't push it, or you'll do the platypus in.) Take and read the note. Open hatch. 19. Wear glasses. Turn second switch off for a point. Just for kicks, take this cat back to the Magik Shoppe, but save your game before you do. 20. Move pictures. Turn crank. 21. Alexis, heel. Open door. Enter. Get gold key. 22. Unlock door with gold key. Enter. 23. Break case with horseshoe. Take sculpture. Save game. Put stone in forehead. Yes, you sure do! Knock on door. Points for Wishbringer entering post office 1 taking envelope 5 getting bone 1 giving bone to poodle 3 taking note from Voss 3 taking gold coin 1 getting to cliff edge 1 giving letter to woman 5 reading letter 1 taking can 3 opening can 3 getting stone 5 getting branch 5 putting branch in crevice 5 getting worm in troll's cave 3 digging in sand 3 getting hat 1 getting token from fountain 3 getting movie ticket 3 getting glasses 3 giving hat to pelican 5 putting token in slot 1 getting to hilltop 5 sesame 3 getting rusty key 3 unlocking chain 1 reading note 3 turning off second switch 1 turning crank 1 Alexis, heel 5 taking gold key 3 unlocking library door 1 taking sculpture 5 getting back to cliff ledge 5 Witness 1. Look for changes before and after Linder's departure. 2. Responses to a given question may vary if more than one party is present at the time. 3. Use a technique comparable to one learned in Deadline. If you need more specific help in this regard, see item 7. 4. Once in the house, there is a way to avoid Linder's murder, but it is not the optimum solution and will cost you dearly. 5. Several key objects to look at or analyze appear at one location. Be sure to check out the clock. 6. While your Colt can (but needn't be) used, some significant changes can be wrought with the appropriate use of the handcuffs. (Handcuff her!) 7. Look around for a place to hide. Check the sofa and wait. The Wizard and the Princess 1. A lot of rocks south of town with which to kill the snake; only one won't get you first, however. Starting in town, try the rock S.S.S.W.S. Get back to snake with N.E.E.E.N. Whomp'im. 2. Drink water. (Check your starting inventory.) 3. Look hole. Get cracker. 4. Take rock. Get magic word HISS. 5. HOCUS (creates bridge). As an alternate, with the locket at the chasm edge, open locket and examine locket. North. 6. No, you can't stop him. Be sure to fill flask (with water). 7. HISS. Go crevice. Recover the bread, locket, and cracker. Unlock door. Open door. 8. Give cracker. Get vial. 9. Feed lion. Give bread. 10. Take rope. Enter boat. Fill hole. With blanket. Go N.N.N.E.E.E. (Drink water, just off shore.) 11. Tie rope. To anchor. Throw anchor. Climb rope. Get shovel. 12. Dig (with shovel). Get chest -- momentarily. 13. Get harp (in chest). 14. Drink vial. North. (Fly to another island.) 15. Follow rainbow. Get coin. Don't forget the ring. 16. Say Lucy. Cross bridge. Recover stuff from the cave. 17. Play harp. 18. Buy horn. Buying any other item results in a no-win game. 19. Play horn. 20. If you wind up here, feed apple. 21. If you get zapped here, pick lock. With knife. Or go back out through the maze and open door from the other side. 22. Go through maze to tower. Down. Go back up. Rub ring. 23. Kiss frog. 24. Look closet. Get and wear sneakers. Say WHOOSH. Zip back to town for your just rewards. Zork I 1. Climb tree. Get jeweled egg. 2. Open window at west side of house. Enter window or west. 3. Move rug. Get lamp, sword, rope. Open trap door. Turn on lamp. 4. Kill troll. Again, until he's done in. Leave his axe. Drop all but lamp. 5. Get painting. Exit studio into kitchen. (Can carry only two objects from studio.) Start putting treasures into trophy case, but carry the egg so that thief may steal it (so be sure to get it!) 6. With rope and lamp, tie rope to rail. Climb rope. Get torch. Turn off lamp (conserve it wherever possible). Should thief steal torch before you get the diamond, go to steps 19 through 21. Otherwise, its's advantageous to have thief steal you blind! Leave bell, book and candle for now. 7. Get coffin. Pray (at altar). Trap door will now stay open rather than locking shut on entry. In clearing or behind house, open coffin. Get sceptre. 8. Wave sceptre. Get pot of gold. Add gold, coffin and sceptre to the trophy case. 9. Get all (wrench, screwdriver and tube of gunk). Push yellow button to enable the console in the lobby. The brown button disables it. Pushing the blue button will flood the joint, but gives you a few moves to get out. 10. Turn bolt with wrench, opening sluice gates. Drop wrench. 11. Inflate bolt (with pump). (When getting pump, it's easier for now if you leave the trunk and, especially, the trident.) Launch. Wait or look until you drift south to buoy. Get buoy. Land. Open buoy. Get emerald. Don't push you luck by going further south; it's a long way down! The sceptre and trident are tough on rubber boats , but the tube of gunk can repair boat. 12. Dig sand with shovel until you find scarab. Drop shovel. Either walk over solid rainbow or carry boat to sandy beach. Launch. West (to white cliffs). Park emerald and scarab in the trophy case. Head back for more with the lamp, torch and matches. Temporarily drop off screwdriver. 13. Echo. Get platinum. Both platinum and coffin are especially heavy, so that you can carry relatively fewer objects. 14. With bell, book and candle from altar area, drop candles, if lit. Ring bell. Hold candle (light candle with match, if necessary). Read book. Get crystal skull. Leave bell, book, candle and matches. (Use only the matches to relight candles. Save game and try light candles with torch or lamp.) 15. With lamp, torch and screwdriver, drop (or just hold) garlic in bat room. Leave jade figurine for now. 16. Put screwdriver and torch in basket. Light lamp. Don't check out the gas room with the torch! Run down and get coal. Add it to basket. Lower basket. 17. Drop all. You can now go west from the timber room. 18. Open machine. Put coal in machine. Close machine. Turn switch with screwdriver. Get diamond. Reload basket with everything except screwdriver. Pick up bracelet, jade figurine, and basket goodies. Slide down to cellar and stow the treasures. 19. With lamp, nasty knife (or sword), food, water and key, get coins. (save game and try throwing rusty knife.) Feed cyclops the sandwich in the brown bag. Give water to cyclops. A less elegant but more effective approach is to say ODYSSEUS. (Read the prayer book, and note that the first letters of each line put together spell out ODYSSEUS.) 20. Key may be used to unlock grate from inside. Note nice touch if you have or haven't moved leaves, which may also be burned or counted. 21. Carrying lamp, nasty knife (or sword), the jeweled egg (if it hasn't been stolen already), and all the treasures that you can, confront thief in his storeroom. Give him each of the treasures to load and slow him down. Kill thief. Again, until he's vanquished. Should you ever try to polish him off elsewhere, earlier in the game, save the game first, as your chances of success are slim, but there. 22. With the clockwork canary (that was in the jeweled egg opened by the thief's nimble fingers), climb tree. Wind clockwork. Mother song bird will come and drop a brass bauble, the last of the needed points. 23. Return all treasures to the case. If all fifteen are stored, an ancient parchment will appear. With it, a secret path can be found, and the beginnings of Zork II are revealed. Treasures, Scores, and Where to Get Them Treasure Value Where beautiful painting 4 6 gallery jewel encrusted egg 5 5 in nest in tree ivory torch 14 6 torch room gold coffin 10 15 egyptian room egyptian sceptre 4 6 in the coffin pot of gold 10 10 end of the rainbow crystal skull 10 10 land of living dead jeweled scarab 5 5 buried in sandy cave large emerald 5 10 in the buoy platinum bar 10 5 loud room trunk of jewels 15 5 reservoir crystal trident 4 11 atlantis room jade figurine 5 5 bat room sapphire bracelet 5 5 gas room huge diamond 10 10 you create it bag of coins 10 5 in the maze silver chalice 10 5 treasure room clockwork canary 6 4 in the egg brass bauble 1 1 songbird has it ancient parchment 0 0 on case if all treasures are total 143 129 in Other points getting into the house 10 getting into the cellar 25 getting past the troll 5 getting to the torch room 13 getting to the treasure room 25 total 78 Zork II 1. With lamp, sword, opener, and mat from gazebo, put mat under door. Move lid. Insert opener in keyhole. Pull mat. Get key. Get opener. Unlock door with key. Get blue sphere. Drop key and opener. Leave mat. (No, you can't do anything to stop the wizard.) 2. Attack dragon (with sword). Don't overdo it, it could be dangerous to your health. Get his attention and move south. When he follows, whomp him again and move toward ice room. Repeat, moving into ice room. Return to dragon's lair. 3. Get trunk. Follow princess (to gazebo). (She will open a secret door in marble hall.) Get newspaper, matches and small gold key. Red rose is nice, but of no use. 4. Drop all but lamp and teapot in spinning carousel. Get portrait. Enter curtain. Enter south wall. Enter curtain. Get bills. Enter north wall. Leave and return. Get bills and portrait. Enter curtain. When returning, fill teapot at deep ford. 5. In riddle room, say "well." 6. Get in bucket. Pour water (into large bucket). DRop teapot. (To go down, get and fill teapot.) 7. Get all but the orange cake. (Orange cake will explode if you eat it.) East green cake and shrink. Enter tiny door. Put red cake in pool. Get candy. Leave flask; it's poisonous and of no use to you. Go through mousehole again and eat blue cake. 8. Tell robot east. Tell robot push triangular button. (At the now-stopped carousel, room 8 and the possibly useful grue repellent have become accessible. A steel box with a priceless violin in it is now also present.) Tell robot south. 9. Get red sphere. Tell robot lift cage. Make sure you have sphere. 10. With brick, string, paper, and matchbook, get in basket. Open and put paper in receptacle. Light match. Burn paper. 11. Land (at small ledge). Tie wire to hook. Get out. Get zorkmid (coin) and rare stamp (in purple book). Read white book. Get in basket. Untie wire and close receptacle. 12. Land (at wide ledge). Tie wire again. Put string in brick. Put brick in hole. Light match. Light string with match. Leave room and wait until for explosion. Get crown. Leave promptly, as detonation of brick in any room makes it very unstable--try it, after you've saved the game. Untie wire and close receptacle. 13. With lamp, sword (or bat), gold key, and both red and blue spheres, give candy to lizard in guarded room. Unlock door with small gold key. 14. Throw sword (or bat) at aquarium. Don't stand too close or try it with your hands! Get clear sphere. 15. Put red, blue, clear spheres in their respective stands. Get black sphere. 16. Put black sphere in pentagram to summon demon. Give demon each of the ten treasures. Tell demon give me the wand, or if you're teed off with the wizard, tell demon kill wizard, and then get wand. (Several fun option exist for your wish. Save game and try, for example, to tell demon to kill dog.) 17. Wave wand at rock. Chant float. Get collar. 18. The oddly angled rooms (maze) are a baseball diamond. Find bat at home plate. (Southeast.) Run the bases SE.NE.NW.SW. Then north. Put collar on dog. 19. In crypt, type score. One more puzzle? Carrying the wand, turn off lamp! Enter the dominion of Zork III!! Treasures 'n Stuff What Where gold statue dragon's lair portrait chairman's office $200 in zorkmids vault small gold key received from princess coin small ledge rare stamp in library's purple book crown in dusty room's chest ruby lava room violin in steel box on carousel pearl necklace pearl room Objects What Use lamp light, finding hidden door sword teasing dragon, breaking aquarium blue sphere making black sphere red sphere making black sphere clear sphere making black sphere black sphere summoning demon teapot carry water for well red rose nice, but nothing placemat sliding under dreary room door letter opener pushing out key key opening dreary room matches lighting papers and string newspaper making hot air for balloon string fuse for explosive brick brick explosive for box green cake shrinks you when eaten blue cake restore normal growth red cake absorbs water orange cake explodes if eaten flask not useful candy feed to lizard robot pushing buttons and lifting collar tames dog bat home plate, breaking aquarium books (4) rare stamp in purple book grue repellent good for a few moves Zork III 1. Be trusting. Tie chest to rope. Wait. Hold rope. Get staff. Don't kill him, or staff will break. 2. Wait for boat, say "hello sailor," get Vial--an alternative for later. 3. Fight shadowy figure. When defenseless, take hood and cloak, don't kill him. 4. At lake, drop all (save game--trying taking lamp into lake). Down, get amulet. 5. Indicator 1: Don't need. Indicator 2: Rub table, get grue repellent. Indicator 3: Get torch. Rub table. Drop torch. Indicator 4: (Save game) Rub table, spectacular death. 6. Use grue repellent. (Alternative: watertight chest can carry the lantern.) 7. Get key. Lift cover. Cross viaduct, which collapses in earthquake around turn 130. (Alternative: after earthquake, use grue repellent, get key, return to southern shore immediately. There is just enough life in the repellent.) 8. If old man isn't there, leave and return later. Wake and give bread. Open door. 9. Break beam by dropping any object. Go south and push button. 10. Enter mirror. Lift short pole. Push red panel until compass points north. Lower short pole. Push mahogany until room stops. Lift short pole. Push red until compass points south. Push pine panel and exit north to wizard's door. Knock and get magic word "Frotz Ozmoo". All but lamp may be temporarily dropped in engraving room. (Alternative: drinking the liquid in the vial produces one-to-two move invisibility, just long enough to get by the guardians.) 11. After earthquake, tackle royal puzzle (see below). Get book, don't drop it in slot, which will get you out but leave you in a no-win situation. 12. Push gold machine into jewel room. Sit on seat. Turn dial to 776. Push button. Take ring. Listen to guards until they leave. Go to museum. Hide ring under seat. Turn dial to 948. Push button. Stand up. Retrieve your objects in jewel room. (By now, you should have all 7 points and the staff, hood/cloak, key, amulet, book, ring and lamp. 13. Turn dial to 4. Push button. Turn dial to any other number. Tell dungeon master to stay. Go into prison cell. 14. Tell dungeon master to push button. Unlock bronze door with key and enter the treasure vault of Zork! One Solution to Royal Puzzle (39 moves) (PSW=Push South Wall, etc.) 1) Down 2) PEW 3) W 4) PSW 5) E.SE.NE.N 6) PEW 7) SW.S 8) PSW 9) Get book 10) PSW 11) PWW 12) S 13) PEW 14) NE.NE.N.N 15) PWW 16) NW 17) PSW 18) PSW 19) PSW 20) PSW 21) S 22) PWW 23) SW 24) PNW 25) PNW 26) NE 27) PWW 28) SW 29) PNW 30) PNW 31) NW 32) Up Point Awards--Seven Maximum (Easy to get and have winless situation) 1. Getting to chest 2. Meeting shadowy figure 3. Attacking shadowy figure 4. Entering lake 5. Rubbing table 6. Pushing wall in royal 7. Time travel to 776 puzzle